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Belvoir Class - Reception

Welcome to Belvoir Class.

This year your child will continue their EYFS learning journey filled with exciting and appealing experiences in an inspiring indoor and outdoor environment.

Belvoir Class is taught by Mrs Carlton and supported on a full-time basis by Mrs Ketteringham. We also enjoy some time with HLTA Mrs Want as well as our volunteer Mrs Wiltshire.

Children in Belvoir class typically learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside. The children continue to follow the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) curriculum.

PE in Belvoir class is on Tuesdays, please put your child’s name in all uniform, it easily gets lost! Please also make sure your child has suitable trainers (with velcro fastenings) and tracksuit for outdoor PE sessions.

The ongoing aims of the Belvoir Class Team are to:

  • Provide a well-supported and resourced learning environment.
  • Meet the emotional, spiritual and educational needs of each child.
  • Help children learn and provide opportunities for all children to succeed.
  • Provide an atmosphere of care and of feeling valued.
  • Encourage each child to become independent.


Young children learn best through play. Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, think about problems and relate to others. Through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities, we will provide your child with a range of purposeful play activities which ensure their learning is challenged and developed.

Reception children continue to follow the EYFS curriculum they began in Nursery which is made up of 3 Prime Areas and 4 Specific Areas of learning and development. All areas are important and inter-connected and centre on the individual needs of each child. Children should mostly develop the 3 prime areas first. These are:

  • Communication and Language - Listening, Attention and Understanding, Speaking.
  • Physical Development - Gross Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills .
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development -Self-Regulation, Managing Self, Building Relationships.
  • The prime areas are those most essential for your child’s healthy development and future learning. As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas. These are:
  • Literacy - Comprehension, Word Reading, Writing.
  • Mathematics – Number, Numerical Patterns.
  • Understanding the World - Past and Present, People, Culture and Communities, The Natural World.
  • Expressive Arts and Design - Creating with Materials, Being Imaginative and Expressive.

You can see more about what we cover in the planning documents below.

Things that you can do at home to help your child are to:

  • Reinforce the sounds covered each day in class by completing the sound book sent home - practise the sound of the letter and the correct formation of the letter as shown in the book.
  • Look over key words with your child (also in the sound book) and encourage the recognition of these words in any order.
  • Practise name writing. Please make sure your child uses lower case letters except for their initial letter.
  • Share reading books, discussing plots, characters and their feelings, as well as simply decoding the text.
  • Draw your child’s attention to numbers in their environment, e.g. telephones, door numbers, car number plates etc. Count things around the home. How many windows do we have etc?
  • Encourage your child to dress themselves for school and take their uniform off at the end of the day to promote independence.

Mrs Carlton - p.carlton@ryhall.pdet.org.uk

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