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Woolsthorpe class - Year 4


I cannot quite believe we have already reached the Summer Term!  As we approach the end of Year 4, I hope that you are ready to return with the same fantastic attitude to your learning in your last couple of terms as WOOLSTHORPE WONDERS.

I am delighted that some of you have kept up with using Accelerated Reader during the holiday period and are thoroughly enjoying reading for pleasure. Don't forget that you can do quizzes online at home once a reading book is finished - it is important that these are done independently and we look forward to seeing your progress through the Summer Term. Congratulations to those of you who have also been using TTRockStars to practise your times tables knowledge and recall. Remember the more you practise, the quicker and more confident you will become!

The term ahead is varied and exciting, with plenty of great opportunities to enhance the curriculum.  Our theme will be ‘TRADERS AND RAIDERS’ – learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.  We will also begin to develop our dancing skills in preparation for our May Festival.

Knowledge Organisers on what the children will be learning about this term will be available via Dojo.  Parents please do encourage your child to regularly review these at home - it is important that they all learn and understand this knowledge and have further opportunity to discuss it with you at home as this will help them to be able to verbalise the knowledge they are learning in class.

Class Dojo will continue to be used to keep you up to date with all of your child's learning as well as sharing important messages and reminders with you.  

If you have any problems at all, please get in touch c.hicks@ryhall.pdet.org.uk and I look forward to continuing working with you and your amazing Woolsthorpe Wonders.




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